Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Geee mom, what is THAT?

So the time came, and oh it came so fast, to feed Giovanna cereal. I delayed it for the longest time, but she is almost 6 months old and I thought I just had to do it. Well, after looking at this picture, there is not much else to say about how Giovanna felt about the whole thing. She hated it and after a few tries she got really irritated. Oh well, we will keep trying. She will like it eventually...I hope.


Fisher Family said...

Oi Anita, eu estava tao desanimada para comecar com solids que tenho que confessar que a primeira vez que eu dei para o Logan ele ja estava com mais de 6 meses (semana passada). E na verdade ele gostou, eu fiquei bem animada! Agora nao vejo a hora de comecar com os vegetais! Beijinhos...

Carolina Suzuki said...

She's gorgeous even not eating.

Sara has started eating fruits. I'm so excited because she's eating very well. I really think I deserve it after all trouble she gave me to sleep.