I know I haven't posted anything in a long time, but after the trip to Brazil I had to post some of our pictures. I have been busy with a new job and trying to manage the house and the kids at the same time. Hasn't been easy, but not too bad either. We had so much fun in Brazil. The Giovanna had her first day at the beach and loved it. She wasn't so sure about the sand at first, but once she got used to it, she didn't want to leave. The water on the other hand, was an instant hit, she loved it. Aiden was a little scared of the water, but loved playing in the sand. He and his cousing Lucas playied in it for hours. They loved building castles and digging holes.
Matt and Dale also loved playing in the sand. Go figure. Two goof balls together. They dug a hole so deep that they could fit Matt's whole leg in it.
Myrtle had a good time, but I think we made her do too much. She was so tired at the end of the trip. Janet had fun taking lots of pictures and enjoying the good food. Anyhow, here are the pictures.
Sounds like you guys had a great time! You look great as does the fam. Matt and Dale's hole made me laugh. I'm glad you guys got to do that. I didn't know Grandma went too. I need to actually call and talk because I never get that good of info. from Michael. He asks typical guy questions...which is basically none! So we are totally out of the loop out here! Glad to see some pictures.
Anita que legal que os pais do Matt foram com voces para o Brasil! Quanto tempo voces ficaram la? Eles gostaram? Beijinhos.
What a great vacation! I looks like you had tons to do and had a really good time.
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