Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Brazil Trip

I know I haven't posted anything in a long time, but after the trip to Brazil I had to post some of our pictures. I have been busy with a new job and trying to manage the house and the kids at the same time. Hasn't been easy, but not too bad either. We had so much fun in Brazil. The Giovanna had her first day at the beach and loved it. She wasn't so sure about the sand at first, but once she got used to it, she didn't want to leave. The water on the other hand, was an instant hit, she loved it. Aiden was a little scared of the water, but loved playing in the sand. He and his cousing Lucas playied in it for hours. They loved building castles and digging holes.
Matt and Dale also loved playing in the sand. Go figure. Two goof balls together. They dug a hole so deep that they could fit Matt's whole leg in it.
Myrtle had a good time, but I think we made her do too much. She was so tired at the end of the trip. Janet had fun taking lots of pictures and enjoying the good food. Anyhow, here are the pictures.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
6 months photos.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Imagination Movers.
Catching up.
Ok, I haven't put anything on the blog for a long time, so now I am going to try to catch up. Here it comes.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pacifiers are for what?

Ok, so ever since Giovanna was born, I have been trying to get her to take a pacifier. Most of you know that I have not been successful. The other day she was being fussy and I had a pacifier in my bag and I decided to give it yet another try. She LOVED chewing on it. She won't suck on it, but oh well, the heart wants what the heart wants.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Sometimes it pays off to get sick.

Last week Aiden came down with a virus that was awful. He started with vomiting, than diarrhea, fever, the works. For the first two days he ate almost nothing. On the third day he seemed to be feeling a little better, so I made him a especial breakfast. He loved his Mickey Mouse chocolate chip pancake. He was so excited he ate the whole thing (starting with the ears)....AND kept it down. So exciting.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Geee mom, what is THAT?
So the time came, and oh it came so fast, to feed Giovanna cereal. I delayed it for the longest time, but she is almost 6 months old and I thought I just had to do it. Well, after looking at this picture, there is not much else to say about how Giovanna felt about the whole thing. She hated it and after a few tries she got really irritated. Oh well, we will keep trying. She will like it eventually...I hope.
Friday, January 16, 2009
First Day at School
Aiden just started preschool today and he was very excited about his new school. We went shopping for a lunch box and surprise, surprise...he picked out a Car's one. He was very excited about it. Hopefully he will adjust well to the new routine. We started him on friday's only to get him acclimated to going to school. Hopefully we will be able to transfer him to the mondays and wednesdays class soon.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Giovanna is growing up!!
Baking Cookies for Santa
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